Preparing now for the lady of the manor to return, I'll have one more bath in this claw foot rub (is there any more elegant a place to wash?) then wash it of my hair. I swear: when alien archaeologists excavate our world in search of things to clone, they will come across enough scraps of me to build a full-scale model
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Remembering summer in the snow-melt
There was this one day in the summer...three boys out clambering on rocks, skipping stones, catching salamanders...sublime, ordinary...we remembered when we used to do these very things, when we were nine or ten and now we three at three times that age can still get fifteen skips and make up hidden lives for high school teachers and remember friends moved away
Thursday, November 25, 2010
fire lit and typing begun
I'm dog-sitting for a friend from the church choir, and I'm just so happy to be doing so. Sitting by the fire in the morning with a cup of coffee and my work computer all booted up and ready to go. My emails are checked, the dog's been let out and I'm about to fire off a message saying that I won't be going into the office because all that snow is expected to melt by tomorrow, and I will go in then.
It is hard for me to express just how well I live. I eat well. I sleep well. I have warm clothing and people to laugh with. I am consistently overwhelmed by all of this, but this morning, as I got the fire lit and my typing begun it hit me a little harder than usual.
Monday, November 22, 2010
An outage and an outing
when the power goes out on me. Bah. As a direct result my roommate and
I are headed out to participate in one of his odder hobbies: lifting
heavy objects. Except this time it is in service of someone else.
As roomie and I are sitting, discussing the logistic of fecal
elimination by candle light, he shows me the video he took from the
Dimmu Borgir concert he went to last night while I was at church. If
you know the thrust and tenor of Norwegian Black Metal you will know
why I think that's funny.
But, more seriously, I am well convinced that God loves good Metal. I
have much more to say on that, but it will wait until I am not typing
on my phone.
getting ready for a new year
It's a new year coming up. First of advent next week. Lectionary year A, no less. A great time for beginning. Always beginning. Many things to begin:
- Writing here: The impulse to write has resurged and will become a useful tool for me to warm up for my work day
- The Daily Office: So difficult to maintain a practice on my own, but I may have found some folk for the exploration of it's use in the broad monastery of suburban I'll have to check on that
- Lay Ministry: I am learning not to wait for direction or permission from my parish to work in ministry while still remaining a faithful servant to my community there.